So it's official! I finally have a trip planned! It's not a big one but I am soooo excited about it. Where am I going, you ask??
Washington, DC!!! I am so excited because I have never been. Neither has my roommate which is who I'm going with.
This is the same roommate that I went to Nashville with last year. Last year we went for Labor Day and that is what we are doing again this year. Since we work together, we are not usually allowed to take any time off together. However, since it is a holiday weekend, we are able to leave a little early on Friday and then fly out. Stay for 3 nights and back on Monday which is the holiday. So it works out perfect!
Here is the price breakdown:
Roundtrip Flight (Orange County to Washington)- $220.40 (taxes included!)
Baggage Fee- $30 ($15 per flight)
Baggage Fee- $30 ($15 per flight)
Hotel- $133.96 (That is total for all 3 nights plus taxes and will be divided by 2!)
TOTAL- $317.38 (my share)
AWESOME, right?!! FYI, hotel is so cheap because of my hotel discount. Can you see why I don't want to leave Marriott?? :-)
We won't have to rent a car since we will be so close to their metro system. This will save us rental car fee and a parking fee at the hotel. The hotel's website also states that a taxi from the airport to their hotel is only about $15. Or you can try to metro it for only $3! Either way, it's a deal.
***Here's a helpful travel tip. If anyone ever asks you what you would like for a gift (birthday, Christmas, etc), tell them a gift card for a specific hotel chain or airline you use. That's what I did for my birthday and now I won't have to pay for my hotel!
Well, I just wanted to share the exciting news with you! And what a perfect time to tell you about this trip. Almost 4th of July!
Happy Travels my little World Travelers and have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend.
btw....any suggestions on things I can't miss in DC??