Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's That Time of Year Again....

Gardening time!

This year I am starting with little pear shaped tomatoes, basil, rosemary, serrano peppers and a small strawberry plant.

My tomatoes are doing well. The plant has grown very tall since I bought it. I have tiny little green tomatoes. None of them are ripe yet. However, there are tons of flowers which means I will have tons of tomatoes! I decided on the tiny tomatoes instead of the big Roma tomatoes like last year. These ones will be good in salads!
All of the little yellow flowers will be tomatoes!
Up close and personal with my future tomatoes.
My Serrano Peppers have just sprouted little flower like pods that I'm assuming will either be a flower or just turn directly into the pepper. I have not grown Serrano's before so I'm not quite sure! But I just noticed the sprouts the other day and got excited. :-)
Can you see where my little peppers will be growing??

My Strawberry plant has about 3 almost ripe berries and about 15 flowers or berries in different stages. I got a small plant since I haven't had much luck with strawberries. I'm excited to try them!
I love to cook with my Basil and my Rosemary. Love having fresh herbs! And you definitely save money cooking with your own herbs.

I decided to try to plant sweet peas this year too. These are flowers that smell delicious! I am trying to grow them from seeds. I never have much luck with seeds so hopefully this will work! I bought a little starter tray. The tray comes with little dirt pellets. You water the pellets and add 1 seed to each pellet. Then put the lid on the tray. You keep it inside. Once they sprout, you can leave the lid off and put it in more direct light and keep watering it. Once you have little plants, you can transplant them to a pot outside. My seeds have sprouted and I am at the stage where I can leave the lid off. I'm excited that they even sprouted! We'll see how it all works. Hopefully I will have tons of flowers soon.
My sweet pea sprouts! This picture was last weekend. They are now about 3 inches high!

Not sure what else I'm going to plant this year. Since I live in a condo, space is limited and everything I grow needs to be in pots. Also, my huge balcony does not get direct sun so I have to have my pots outside my front door on the ledge. Needless to say, there is limited space!
What are you all growing??

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