My alarm went off at 4:55am on Monday morning. Ugh. Turned on the coffee (which was prepared the night before) and started getting ready. Since I am carpooling with my roommate, we decided that we would each drive a week at a time. This was my roommates' week to drive. We left the house a few minutes before 6am. We were able to take the carpool lane and ended up getting to work by 7:15. We have to park in a parking structure a few blocks from where we work. Of course, we were smart and wore reasonable shoes in and then changed to our heels once inside the employee entrance. Being that she starts work at 7:45 and I didn't have to be in orientation until 8:30, we had some free time. So, she gave me a tour of the property.
The drive home was not so bad. We left a little late (around 6pm). It took about 1 1/2 hours to get home. All in all, the drives were not as long as I had thought. So I am good with it. The rest of the week basically went the same. It's been taking about 1 hour 15 min to get in to work and about 1 1/2 hours to get home. However, we've been working a lot of overtime which means we were not getting home until almost 8. Which makes for very long days. So basically, my only gripe for right now is that I feel very very tired!
Like I said in a previous post. I work in the new area known as LA LIVE. The area includes the Staples Center, Nokia Theatre, restaurants, bars and 2 hotels. If you live in the LA/OC areas and listen to the radio or watch the news, this is the new hotspot for entertainment. This week was no exception. American Idol and Lakers festivities were going on all week. I even saw the top 2 contestants from American Idol! First I saw Lee DeWyze. He was on the balcony of the Nokia Theatre overlooking our employee entrance. Just chillin there. It was hilarious. Then the next morning while walking in, we saw Lee and Crystal doing interviews outside in the quad area. If you watch the show, you know that the finale was filmed at Nokia. I was inside working while the red carpet was going on but I wish I would have taken a 10 min break to go get Starbucks or something so I could see part of the red carpet show. :-) If you know me, you know I love Kelly Clarkson. I had no idea she was supposed to be on the finale. I would have loved to see her. And all of the other celebrities that were there. So basically what I'm saying is it was an exciting week in the area. Walking to and from my car was the best people watching!
Now that my week is over and I've had time to see friends, family and now finally relaxing on this Memorial Day holiday, I am almost ready for the new week to begin.
A few tips for commuting to work.
- Lots of good music.
- Coffee for the ride
- Snack for the ride home
- Comfy shoes for the drive and walk in
- Water bottle (the reusable kind!)
A picture of LA LIVE from my walk in. At the bottom right, you can see them setting up the press tent for American Idol.

I would take more pictures, but my roommate gets embarrased when I do. Hahaha.
Enjoy your Memorial Day everyone! Be thankful and send happy thoughts to our soldiers. Come home soon!!
-Travel Girl in the City!
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