Saturday, December 18, 2010

Business Trip

Got an email from my boss that the big boss wanted her to sign me up for a training class. A training class that I had actually already heard about and was thinking about asking them if I could go. This training class just happens to be in Seattle! Woo hoo! Boss asked me to come to her office to sign me up. As she's looking at it she says, "It's in Seattle? Nice!". I replied, "I know! That's why I was so excited when you asked me to go." haha.

So, I'm signed up for my first ever business conference and kind of excited about it. I wish it were in Boston since I have not really explored that city but I did love Seattle so I'm excited anyway.

The only thing is that the conference is not until May. That is a long time from now. Gives me something to look forward to.

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